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Circumlocution Definition, Examples, and Best Practice

Circumlocution definition is actually quite simple, and so does the application. However, you can think of it as a double-edged sword. It means, applying circumlocution correctly will surely be a great practice, and vice versa. What is the meaning of circumlocution and how to use it correctly? This article explains all of it. Circumlocution Definition and ExamplesFirst thing first, how to pronounce circumlocution? Circumlocution is pronounced as sir-kuhm-low-kyoo-shen. It derives from the Latin word circum and locutio, which means 'around' and 'speech'. Together, they are literally

Pleonasm Definition, Types, and Its Difference to Tautology

Pleonasm is a common mistake, but most especially among rookie English learners. Therefore, understanding the pleonasm definition and its examples may be beneficial in order to reduce that kind of blunder What is Pleonasm?First thing first, how to pronounce pleonasm? Pronounced plee-uh-naz-uhm, pleonasm is derived from pleonazein, a Greek term expressing 'excessiveness'. When it comes to pleonasm, the examples are plenty, be it in published writings, movies, or songs. In fact, even native speakers do not realize such mistakes, let alone English students. Pleonasm meaning is an attempt

Demonstrative Pronouns: Definition and How to Use It

Have you ever heard of demonstrative pronouns? You may find the term unfamiliar. However, it is likely that you have heard of it, as the use of it is very often. In fact, you may already be using them fluently. In this article, you will find a simple explanation as well as demonstrative pronoun examples. So, scroll along. Definition of Demonstrative PronounBefore we go further into demonstrative pronouns, it is best to refresh your memory and remember; what is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word you use to replace a noun. Example of pronouns is "he", "she", "it", "myself", and

Nonetheless vs Nevertheless: How to Use Them Correctly?

When learning English, you may stumble upon the word 'nonetheless' and 'nevertheless'. While the two sound similar, both words actually carry slightly different meanings. Then, what is the right use of nonetheless vs nevertheless? In this article, you will learn more about the words, including their similarities and differences. Furthermore, you will also find a way to learn English in a more enjoyable. Just scroll along, and have fun learning. Definitions of Nonetheless and NeverthelessAccording to the Oxford Dictionary, 'nevertheless' and 'nonetheless' meaning is quite similar, which

10 English Capitalization Rules to Apply in Your Writing

Capitalization is the uppercase letters you see at the start of a word. Even though it may be easy to overlook during a verbal conversation, English capitalization rules are trickier in writing. When should English be capitalized, and when is it should not? Follow these simple rules and you are good to go. 10 English Capitalization Rules with ExamplesHow to incorporate capital letters in your paragraph? Here are the 10 ways to do it: 1. First Word of a SentenceSo, when are you gonna tell me about this mysterious boyfriend?The glasses frames are blue with white

How to Use Either or Neither: A Simple Guide

If you're new to learning English, the use of either or neither may generate confusion. However, once you master it, you will surely be more confident in your English skill. Not to mention the possibility to score higher on English tests. So, how do you use either or neither? Without further ado, here's a guide for you. What is the Rule of Either and Neither?First, understanding either and neither will be much easier if you know what the words are for. Generally, either and neither's purpose is to connect two options or sentences, be they have positive or negative

Synecdoche Definition, Types, Examples, and Meaning

Are you looking for a synecdoche definition? It's one of those words that might be unfamiliar to you. However, you'll be amazed to learn that you actually use it quite frequently in your everyday conversations.  In this article, we will discuss what synecdoche definition is, types, examples, and how to use it. Let’s get started. What is Synecdoche? Synecdoche is when you use a part of something to stand for the whole thing, or the other way around. For example, you can say, “All hands on deck” to show that you need everyone’s help available, not literally their hands only. On

15 Popular Idioms for Kids: Examples and Meanings

The world of idioms for kids is vast and fascinating. But do you know what idiom is and why people use it? Idioms are super cool phrases that make our language more fun and interesting! Have you ever heard someone say, "Break a leg" or "Let the cat out of the bag"? Well, those are idioms!  In this article, we'll explore the world of idioms for kids. We'll learn what they are, why they're important, and even discover some awesome idioms together. So, get ready to have a blast with idioms and take your language skills to the next level! Idiom DefinitionAn idiom is a group of words

Metonymy Definition, Types, Examples, and How to Use

Are you looking for a metonymy definition? This is one of the words that people might never have heard of. But, you might be surprised if we say that you probably often use it in daily conversation. Yup, metonymy was that kind of word. In this article, we will discuss what metonymy definition is, types, examples, and how to use it. Let’s get started. What is Metonymy? Metonymy is a fancy word that means using something related to represent something else.  For example, if we say "The Hollywood was blown," we’re not talking about the area itself, but rather the film industry of

What is Epigram: Definition, Characteristics, and Examples

What is epigram? Have you ever heard about it? Epigrams have been around for centuries, and they are still relevant today. Even you can find some modern epigrams in memes nowadays. In this article, we will discuss what an Epigram is, its characteristics, and examples of famous epigrams from the classic and modern era. What is an Epigram? An epigram is a short, clever, and funny way of saying something. It can be a poem or a sentence, usually said by a popular and famous figure.  It usually has a twist or a surprise at the end.  For example, “The more you know, the more you don’t
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