Dalam bahasa Inggris, contoh adverb merupakan salah satu bagian penting. Sebab berguna untuk mengubah atau memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai kata kerja, adjektiva, atau adverb lainnya.
Adverb juga dapat membantu kamu dalam memperjelas waktu, tempat, cara, frekuensi, atau tujuan suatu kegiatan. Oleh karena itu, mari pahami berbagai contoh adverb yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris, serta penggunaan dan maknanya masing-masing.
Penggunaan Dan Contoh Adverb
Pada praktiknya, adverb bisa berguna untuk menunjukkan beberapa keterangan berikut ini.
- Adverb Waktu
Tipe adverb waktu ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kapan atau seberapa sering suatu kegiatan terjadi. Contoh adverb tersebut waktu meliputi:
- Daily (setiap hari): She reads the newspaper daily.
- Sometimes (kadang-kadang): They sometimes go swimming on weekends.
- Adverb Tempat
Jenis adverb tempat ini berguna untuk menyatakan di mana suatu kegiatan terjadi. Beberapa contoh adverb tempat ini antara lain:
- Here (di sini): The book is here on the table.
- Everywhere (di mana-mana): They searched for the lost keys everywhere.
- Abroad (di luar negeri): She traveled abroad last year.
- Adverb Cara
Adverb cara menggambarkan bagaimana suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh adverb cara yang sering digunakan:
- Carefully (dengan hati-hati): He walked carefully on the icy road.
- Quickly (dengan cepat): The cheetah runs quickly in the wild.
- Loudly (dengan keras): She sang loudly during the concert.
- Adverb Frekuensi
Jenis adverb frekuensi berguna untuk menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adapun contoh adverb frekuensi meliputi:
- Always (selalu): He always arrives on time.
- Never (tidak pernah): They never eat fast food.
- Occasionally (sesekali): We occasionally go to the theater.
- Adverb Tujuan
Tipe adverb tujuan menyatakan mengapa atau untuk apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adapun contoh adverb tujuan adalah sebagai berikut.
- Purposefully (dengan sengaja): He spoke purposefully to convey his message.
- Wisely (dengan bijaksana): She invested her money wisely.
- Passionately (dengan penuh gairah): They sang passionately during the performance.
Jadi, secara keseluruhan adverb memiliki peran penting dalam bahasa Inggris. Yakni untuk memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai waktu, juga tempat, cara, serta frekuensi, atau tujuan dari suatu kegiatan.
Nah, sangat penting untuk kamu pahami penggunaan dan makna masing-masing adverb agar dapat mengungkapkan pikiran dan tindakan dengan lebih jelas dan tepat. Dengan memperkaya kosakata adverb, kamu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut kami berikan beberapa contoh adverb dalam kalimat.
20+ Contoh Adverb
Berikut adalah contoh adverb dalam berbagai tenses, dengan bentuk positif, negatif, maupun Tanya. Simak contoh adverb di bawah ini.
1. Simple Present Tense
Positif: He always goes to the gym.
Negatif: She never eats fast food.
Tanya: Do they usually come late?
2. Present Continuous Tense
Positif: She is currently studying in the library.
Negatif: They are not actively participating in the discussion.
Tanya: Is he still working on the project?
3. Present Perfect Tense
Positif: We have already finished the assignment.
Tanya: Have you ever traveled to Europe?
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif: She has been studying English for three hours.
Negatif: They haven’t been exercising regularly.
Tanya: How long have you been waiting for the bus?
5. Simple Past Tense
Positif: He visited his grandparents last week.
Negatif: She didn’t attend the meeting yesterday.
Tanya: Did they enjoy the concert?
6. Past Continuous Tense
Positif: They were playing football when it started raining.
Negatif: He wasn’t watching TV at that time.
Tanya: What were you doing at 9 o’clock last night?
7. Past Perfect Tense
Positif: She had already left when I arrived.
Negatif: They hadn’t finished cooking dinner when the guests arrived.
Tanya: Had he seen that movie before?
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Negatif: He hadn’t been practicing the piano regularly before the recital.
Tanya: How long had they been living in that city before they moved?
9. Simple Future Tense
Positif: She will definitely help you with your project.
Negatif: They will not attend the party tomorrow.
Tanya: Will he arrive on time for the meeting?
10. Future Continuous Tense
Positif: We will be traveling to Paris next month.
Negatif: She will not be attending the conference next week.
Tanya: What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
11. Future Perfect Tense
Positif: He will have finished the report by the end of the day.
Negatif: They will not have completed the project by the deadline.
Tanya: Will she have left by the time we arrive?
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif: We will have been working on this project for a year by December.
Negatif: He will not have been living in that city for five years by next month.
Tanya: How long will you have been studying French by the end of the course?
13. Adverb dalam Kalimat Perintah (Imperative Sentences)
Positif: Please kindly complete the form.
Negatif: Don’t hastily jump to conclusions.
Tanya: Could you kindly pass me the salt, please?
14. Adverb dalam Kalimat Permintaan (Request Sentences)
Positif: Can you quickly help me with this task?
Negatif: Don’t impatiently interrupt me while I’m speaking.
Tanya: Could you possibly lend me some money?
15. Adverb dalam Kalimat Pengandaian (Conditional Sentences)
Positif: If he studies diligently, he will surely pass the exam.
Negatif: Unless she works harder, she won’t succeed.
16. Adverb dalam Kalimat Perbandingan (Comparative Sentences)
Positif: She sings more beautifully than anyone else.
Negatif: He doesn’t run as fast as his sister.
Tanya: Which book do you like better, the blue one or the red one?
17. Adverb dalam Kalimat Penjelas (Relative Clauses)
Positif: The car, which is extremely expensive, belongs to my boss.
Negatif: She didn’t take the job, which was quite disappointing.
Tanya: Do you know anyone who speaks Mandarin fluently?
18. Adverb dalam Kalimat Keterangan Waktu (Time Clauses)
Positif: We will go hiking after breakfast.
Negatif: She didn’t call until late at night.
Tanya: When did they arrive at the hotel?
19. Adverb dalam Kalimat Keterangan Tempat (Place Clauses)
Positif: He will wait wherever you ask him to.
Negatif: She didn’t find her keys wherever she looked.
Tanya: Where can I find the nearest grocery store?
20. Adverb dalam Kalimat Keterangan Sebab (Cause Clauses)
Positif: They stayed indoors because it was raining heavily.
Negatif: He didn’t go to the party since he had to work late.
Tanya: Why did she refuse the job offer?
21. Adverb dalam Kalimat Keterangan Tujuan (Purpose Clauses)
Positif: We are learning English so that we can communicate better.
Negatif: She didn’t buy the dress because she had no occasion to wear it.
Tanya: Why did they go to the library?
22. Adverb dalam Kalimat Keterangan Akibat (Consequence Clauses)
Positif: He studied hard, consequently achieving excellent grades.
Negatif: They didn’t save money, thus facing financial difficulties.
Tanya: What happened as a result of their actions?
Demikianlah berbagai macam contoh adverb yang bisa kamu pakai untuk memperdalam kemampuan berbahasa Inggris-mu. Untuk solusi bijaknya, kamu bisa memperdalam lagi dengan ikut kursus di Fun English agar lebih memahami apa saja contoh adverb yang pas dalam penggunaan kalimat.
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